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Hello Baby cuts picking errors by 80% by implementing a new WMS

Case Study, In The News

About Hello Baby

Hello Baby is an online baby shop selling a wide range of baby stuff for babies and toddlers based in St Albans UK. Hello Baby specialises in quality wooden toys and stocks products from the leading European manufacturers Brio, Heimess and Le Toy Van. For parents and babies with more contemporary tastes they also sell the Lamaze range of colourful learning toys. To enable their customers to get a good idea of their products, Hello Baby take great care over their product descriptions and photos. Each product has multiple high resolution images and they will soon have videos of all of their toys.

“We met with Jonathan, the CEO and Oliver, the Director of Sales and we could see straight away that this system would be able to provide us with the solution we needed.”
Trevor Ginn, Managing Director and Founder, Hello Baby

The Challenge

Trevor Ginn is the Managing Director and Founder of Hello Baby, the online baby shop founded in 2008. As Founder and MD his days are never the same and he does everything from managing the team and warehouse operations to looking at new product features and the company’s vision for the next few years.

Hello Baby was using Volo Commerce for a variety of e-commerce services, including their warehouse management and to this day they still use, and are very happy with Volo Commerce for a variety of their e-commerce services. However, as their company grew it became more and more difficult to manage their warehouse management processes with their current system.

Although their process was ok, Trevor was conscious that it was all becoming a bit of a struggle, which started affecting certain areas of his business. “It wasn’t that the system was bad, it just wasn’t optimised the way we wanted it to be, and we knew there had to be a better solution out there”, Trevor said.

Trevor and his team wanted to make sure that they maintained their very high level of customer service excellence and reviews, and having just moved to a larger warehouse they realised they needed a system better suited for their needs . “We were already quite good with picking and delivering on time but around peak times in particular, we were struggling and we knew it was time to upgrade” says Trevor.

The Solution

Trevor said that not only did he need to find a better system where they would reduce the time it was currently taking them to manage orders and pickings, but it also had to be a system that would integrate to Volo Commerce, their preferred e-commerce solution.

Hello Baby decided to have a look at the Peoplevox Warehouse Management System (WMS) because of their integration capabilities with Volo Commerce, and after understanding more of what the system could provide them, they decided to go ahead and implement the Peoplevox WMS. “We met with Jonathan, the CEO and Oliver, the Director of Sales and we could see straight away that this system would be able to provide us with the solution we needed” says Trevor.

The Results

Trevor explains that they were really impressed with the Peoplevox Implementation Team during and after the implementation period. “Not only did they help us with implementing the actual system, they also gave really good advice on general warehouse management and best practice”.

With their new warehouse being much bigger, Trevor goes on to say that the impact has been really noticeable and that they would have struggled with their old process in the new warehouse.

“Peoplevox has helped us cut down picking errors by 80%” says Trevor. He says that the warehouse staff are now much calmer, the system has helped them organise a more structured way of picking items and it has helped them speed up the picking as well. “We now know where things are and we have much more accurate stock levels than we have ever had before” says Trevor.

Hello Baby is now doing 500 orders a day, something that Trevor explains would have been very difficult without implementing the Peoplevox WMS

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